VeePee Market

The Virtual Public Market | User Guide And Documentation


Welcome to this online market; VeePee Market The Virtual Public Market.
We want to specially thank you for visiting this marketplace. VeePee Market is currently Nigeria's largest commercial network. A platform that has helped over 1 million Small and large scale companies cross the country to trade seamlessly and generate over ₦50B worth of revenue within 2022 - 2024
And if you have already created an account with us, then you are fully assured of the best service as you continue to work with us.

This documentation is to help you learn about VeePee Market and how to use it. Please go through the documentation carefully to understand what VeePee Market is all about.


You will need the following in order to use VeePee Market.

  1. A computer (eg: Laptop or Desktop) OR an android phone
  2. The VeePee Market mobile app (for android users) OR A Web Browser (eg: Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox), and
  3. A strong internet connection (Very important!)

Outdated browsers are strictly not recommended. Kindly use any other updated web browsers
No support is provided for users who fail to follow these guidelines appropriately.

Getting Started #back to top

First of all, it is highly recommended to Create An Account or Login before starting anything so as to be safe and secure. Please only use a password which you can remember.

If you are using The VeePee Market mobile app then it is compulsory that you must turn on your mobile data before launching the app else an error will be thrown to you.

If you are accessing VeePee Market from the internet (WWW.VEEPEEMARKET.COM) and not The VeePee Market mobile app, then always remember that WWW.VEEPEEMARKET.COM is your last bus stop for accessing The Virtual Public Market.

Once VeePee Market is fully loaded, the home screen will appear

The VeePee Market Home Screen

The VeePee Market home screen is a page which displays all the necessary tools and options available.

The home screen will be displayed on your computer like this:

If you are accessing VeePee Market from the mobile app, it will be displayed like this:

How To Buy A Product #back to top

Disclaimer: Note that over 80% of the products you will see in VeePee Market are placed by sellers who are officially registered on the network
Furthermore, you can read our Terms Of Service And Marketers policy. here.

On your home screen, click on the option which says "Go To The Market". This will take you to the home page of VeePee Market

Adding Items Into Your Cart

Once you have arrived at the market, feel free to make choices of what you want to purchase by clicking the button which says: Add To Cart

And after you are done, look for the option or button which says My Cart and Proceed To Checkout

Account Creation, Management And Recovery #back to top

How To Login Or Create An Account

If you are visiting for the first time, kindly Login or Create An Account to proceed.

Login Sign Up

How To Recover Lost Password

  1. First of all, ensure that you are on the Login Page.
  2. Click on the button which says Forgot Password
  3. Follow the procedure by providing the phone number you used in creating your password and click on Next

Your password will then be sent to your phone as a text message.

Watch these videos to learn more

Checkout Form #back to top

After placing your orders, you will be presented with a page called "The Checkout Form". Here, you will have to provide details necessary for the seller(s) to know where to find you. These datails includes:

Personal Information

Personal Information

You are to provide your Full Name, E-Mail Address and Phone Number. We highly recommend that you provide your appropriate informations. The use of nicknames are strictly at user's risk.

Residential Details

Residential Details

Provide details about where you stay: your Country, State, LGA, Region and Home Address so as to enable the seller to locate you and hand over your product(s) to you.

Extra Description

Extra Description

[Optional] You may provide a comprehensive description about your delivery i.e: A deeper breakdown about how you want your delivery and when you want it. (eg: ...when you get to ozutokuru junction, give me a call...)

Are you still facing issues? You may:

Making A Payment #back to top

At several junctions, you may be prompted to make certain payment e.g: after ordering for goods, during your business upgrade, making donations and so more.

You will be presented before a strange screen, it is called "A Payment Gateway". Basically, VeePee Market strictly uses "Paystack® Payment Gateway" for transactions.

In making payments, the following methods are available:

Pay With Card

Credit / Debit Card #top

Commonly known as ATM card, credit cards can be used in making your payments. Before you start, please make sure that your card has not expired so as to avoid certain errors. Kindly take note of the following procedures:

  • Step 1 - Supply the digits embedded on the body of your card: The Sixteen Digits, The Expiry Date, The Full Name On Your Card and The 3-digit Number at the back of your card.
  • Step 2 - Once you are done with that, an OTP code will be sent to your mobile phone for verification. Type the code in the space provided for it.
  • Step 3 - The status of your payment will be displayed to you. If it was successful, you should wait a bit for your payment code to be generated.
Bank Transfer

Bank Transfer - #top

You will be able to make payments directly from your bank using your regular money transfer system. Here, an account number will be automatically generated. These are the steps you should take:

  • Step 1 - Select the option for bank transfer.
  • Step 2 - After you have chosen the option for bank transfer and the recipient account number has been generated, kindly make your transfer to the account number displaying on your device either by USSD, mobile banking or internet banking.
  • Step 3 - An automatic verification will be done and you will be automatically redirected to the next screen where your payment code will be generated.

USSD - #top

If you don't know what USSD means it is that system you use in doing certain transactions or subscriptions on your mobile phone, whereby you may dial something like » [*123#] «. Here, *123# is called the USSD code.

Over the years, USSD has proven to be the fastest means of performing bank transactions as each bank now has a USSD code. Paystack® has an option for accepting payments via USSD.

  • Step 1 - Select the option which says "USSD".
  • Step 2 - Select your bank name, a USSD code will be automatically generated singularly for that particular transaction.
  • Step 3 - On your mobile phone, dial the USSD code and follow the procedures your bank will give you. Once your payment has been succefully made, please you will be automatically redirected to the next screen where your payment code will be generated.

Goods Delivery #back to top

As A Buyer: The goods delivery system in VeePee Market is carried in a way not meant to stress the buyer. All the buyer has to ensure is that the payment code he received from VeePee Market is kept safe. So whenever your goods arrive, all you have to do is it give the payment code to the buyer so he shall be using that code to receive his money before handing over your product to you.

As A Seller: Once you receive an Alert!!! or a text message telling you that someone has ordered for your product, all you have to do is to take the product to that person. If you will not be able to deliver that product, please call the VeePee Market help line: +2349123368871 OR place a Ship For Me Request (SFM) via the following steps:.

How To Change The Delivery Method

How To Change The Delivery Method

By default, you are expected to deliver your products all by yourself (Self Delivery) but changing the delivery method activates an SFM request which VeePee Market will be notified about.

  • Step 1 - Visit your online store / business in VeePee Market or click on this link and go to BUSINESS.
  • Step 2 - Scroll down to the "ORDERS" section of your business and select "Ship For Me" for that particular order by changing the delivery method from "Self Delivery".
  • Step 3 - Select The "Ship Type". Look-on to the next section to learn more about Ship Types

The Ship Types

A ship type refers to the type of shipping you want VeePee Market to do for you. Kindly note that each ship type has it's own cost.

  • Self Delivery - This is not a ship type, this option means that you will have to deliver for yourself.
  • Partial Ship For Me - This ship type means that you will be handing over your product to the nearest VeePee Market agent for delivery (This is quite cheaper).
  • Full Ship For Me - This means that a VeePee Market agent will be coming over to your place to collect your product from you and then take it for delivery.

How to Sell Your Goods Online Using VeePee Market #back to top

Attention: Please Ensure That You Read This Section Very Carefully And Comprehensively.
Step BY Step.

How To Sell Your Goods Online
Creating An Online Shop Using VeePee Market

Introduction - #back to top

VeePee Market makes it possible for you to sell your goods/products online via the VeePee Market platform. Sellers are entitle to create online businesses for themselves where users can come, place their orders and pay for the product they order for asynchronously. To get started: If you are accessing VeePee Market from the website, visit, while if you are accessing VeePee Market from the VeePee Market mobile app, select the option which says: Create An Online Shop. If you have not logged into VeePee Market, you will be prompted to do so and after that, you will be taken to a new screen where you will be prompted to setup your online shop.

Login Or Sign Up

Creating Your Account - #back to top

Please ignore this section if you have already created an account. If you are new to VeePee Market and don't have an account yet, then take a look at the Account Creation, Management and Recovery process. If you have been following these shop creation processes accordingly, after setting up your account, you will be redirected to a new page which says "Setup Your Online Shop"

Setup your online shop
Setup your online shop
Setup your online shop

Setting Up Your Online Shop - #back to top

I want to believe that you have already read the Introduction To Creating An Online Shop and you must have already Created An Account. At this point, all you need to do is to simply provide the name of the business you want to start in VeePee Market, specialization and primary address. Also you will need to describe your business so that customers can effectively understand what you do.

Attention: After your shop has been created, Please take note of your shop number that will popup later. that number is as important as your Mobile Phone Number because customers will be using it to locate and visit your shop.

Things To Do After Your Shop Is Ready

Customizing Your Shop - #back to top

After your shop is ready, it is time to do some little housekeeping by making it look good and attractive to guests. Please ensure you are in your online shop already before proceeding, if you are not, click here unless you are accessing VeePee Market via The VeePee Market Mobile App you have to select the option which says "Go To Your Shop" right from the home screen. At the first view of your shop (before you scroll down), you will see a button which says: "Change Background Image" you may use it to change the background image of your shop if you want. Another button says "Choose A Background Music", if you scroll down a bit, you will see an area displaying your "Profile", there you can setup additional details about yourself as well. Another button says "Set An Advert Video", you can upload a short video related to your business. The next area is all "About Your Business", feel free to write a note as long as possible telling about your trade. You may also love to change the "Theme" and appearance of your shop.

Adding Your First Product

Adding Your First Product - #back to top

Your shop has been created, it's now time to bombard it with products for sale. Here's how to about it... If you are in your shop already, go to the top navigation bar and click on "Products" you will be taken down to the Products Section, now click on the Basket which says "Add An Item To Your Shop", now fill in the information about what you want to sell. But if you are just on the home screen of VeePee Market, quickly select the option which says "Place Items For Sale", you shall be redirected to a page where you will be prompted to provide the details of what you want to sell.

How To Cash-Out After Delivery

How to receive payments for items sold - #back to top

When you go to deliver a product ordered for, do not forget to request for your payment code from the customer, the Payment Code is a Six(6) digit number. Before you leave the delivery spot, kindly Login To Your Shop, go to Payments, and fill in the required details. If the payment code is correct, you will receive exactly the amount paid for that item.

Attention: Do not request any money from customers! They have already paid.
All you need to do is to use that payment code to receive it.

How To Upgrade Your Online Shop

Upgrading Your Shop - #back to top

To upgrade your shop, kindly take the following procedures. While you are in your shop, go to your "Profile" and hit the button which says "Upgrade", then do the instructions that follows in order to upgrade your shop.

Support Desk #back to top

Support, Partnership and Sponsorship are highly welcome and maximally appreciated.

Please visit our interaction center or ask question

You Can Support The Virtual Public Market Via Any Of The Following Platforms:
  • * GT Bank, Nigeria: 0882220658
  • * GT Bank, Nigeria: 0882220658
  • * GT Bank, Nigeria: 0882220658
Support does not include:
  • * Payment For Goods/Services. If you want to pay for goods/services, please pay directly where you were prompted to pay
  • * Support for third party E-Commerce platforms throgh VeePee Market support lines is strictly prohibited.
Pre/Post-Support procedures...
  • * Ensure that you supplied the right account number.
  • * Make sure you have read through the documentation and any related video guides before supporting.
  • * Please ensure that your payment was successful before leaving.
  • * If your transfer was not successful, please try again.

Customer Care & Help Lines #back to top

24/7 Active Support

VeePee Market is always ready to listen to complains from users, sellers and buyers.

Customer First

You are our priority. Our ears are always open to listen to feedbacks and complains from the general public.

About VeePee Market® #back to top

In one sentence, The Virtual Public Market commonly known as VeePee Market is an online marketplace.

And just like every other day-to-day physical market places, people come to buy products and commodities from VeePee Market.

Just as its name implies…

“Virtual” – Online or not actually physically present.

“Public” – Available to the reach of everyone.

“Market” – A place where people comes to buy or sell anything.

That’s what VeePee market is all about, it is online, it is public and it is a market.

VeePee Market is a digital marketing platform. Digital marketing is the act of practicing E-Commerce. And what is E-Commerce? E-Commerce is a short way of writing Electronic-Commerce. Commerce means the act of doing business (trading) and Electronics refers to our man-made gadgets that work with electricity e.g. Mobile Phones, Laptops and Computers.

At first, when mobile phones were first introduced, it started its rampage by taking over the way we communicate. Of course mobile phones have made it possible to communicate with people far away from us.

But now, technology is doing more than just that. It is now taking over the way we do business and that is E-Commerce.

Imagine that you no longer have to wake up in the morning, dress up, pick up your keys, board a vehicle, go to your place of business and open up your shop in order to begin your business of the day.

Imagine that all you have to do is just to pick up your phone or computer and log on to or open the VeePee Market mobile app in order to start up your business of the day. Isn’t that amazing? That’s E-Commerce!

The art of doing business online makes you an Internet Entrepreneur.

VeePee Market allows you to reach out to your costumers online, VeePee Market allows customers from far and near to see what you are selling and place their orders without having to get a one-on-one contact you. That’s going to be a swift way to BOOM your business.

Did you know that billions of people are interested in that stuff you are selling but unfortunately, they are unable to reach out to you due to one reason or the other? This is one of the reasons why you need E-Commerce for your Business.

In developed countries, people no longer have to go to the market. People no longer cry because of unemployment. Why? Majority of people over there have online businesses. We have received news from U.S, India and Bangladesh that many doctors, nurses, lawyers, journalists and engineers quit their jobs deliberately in order to engage in one online business or the other.

Today, the internet has become the home of over 5 Billion businesses that keeps increasing daily because the internet makes it easier to reach out to buyers and sellers easily and more conveniently. VeePee Market lets you stay connected with your customers and your favourite sellers. VeePee market connects you with new products every second. VeePee Market connects you with new customers. VeePee Market deletes the word “Stress” from your business.

Join VeePee Market today if you haven’t and let’s grow our businesses together.

Copyright, terms of service and marketers policy #back to top


The Virtual Public Market aka VeePee Market is protected under the Copyright law guiding the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria.

Terms Of Service

From The Customer Service Office Of The Virtual Public Market: " Thank you for choosing VeePee Market, The Virtual Public Market. It is our deepest pleasure to welcome you to the top E-Commerce platform. Please take your time to go through our terms of service as we shall be guiding you on the necessary facts you need to know as you use this Virtual Market. "

Financial Security Tips

Please Take Serious Note Of These Key-Points In Order To Protect Yourself From Financial Fraud.

  1. VeePee Market Will Never Ask For Your Bank Verification Number (BVN) Or Any Crucial Documents Issued To You By Your Bank.
  2. No VeePee market agent or staff will ever chat one-on-one with you on Facebook, Twitter, Whatsapp or any other social media, asking for your vital informations. If you need assistance with any issue please contact us at
  3. VeePee market will never charge you any extra fees without your consent.
  4. VeePee Market will never send you illegal promotional E-mails
  5. VeePee market will never ask you for money unofficially.
  6. VeePee market will never share your bank account number or any of your personal details to anyone except you asked for it.
  7. VeePee Market will not be held responsible for any product damages on goods delivery.
  8. VeePee Market will automatically take down highly sensitive media content or products!
  9. The official website of VeePee Market is [Disclaimer] We will not be held responsible for any transaction carried out elsewhere.

For more information about terms of service and marketers policy, call the customer care.

Marketers Policy

From The Office Of The Marketing Manager Of The Virtual Public Market... " Thank you for choosing VeePee Market, The Virtual Public Market. It is our deepest pleasure to welcome you to the top E-Commerce platform in Nigeria. Please take your time to go through our digital marketing policy. We shall be guiding you on the necessary facts you need to know as you use this Virtual Market. "

  1. The sale of hard drugs in the Virtual Public Market is strictly prohibited!
  2. The sale of illicit products is strictly prohibited in VeePee Market
  3. VeePee Market will not be held responsible for the damage of your goods/products.
  4. The basic cash out period of VeePee Market is 24 hours, no queries will be listened to before that period.
  5. VeePee Market will not be held responsible if any of your goods is found fake
  6. VeePee Market will not be held responsible if your goods get witheld by security agents.
  7. VeePee Market will automatically block your online shop if it has been inactive for a long while.

Thank You For Choosing VeePee Market...
The Virtual Public Market